<aside> 💡 Campaigns need to consider approach and audience. What tone will best reach a specific audience?


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After we’ve assessed tactics in terms of leverage on our target, we should also ask, “will our people turn out for this?” Our actions are fueled by our people, so we need tactics to motivate our base, supporters, and key audiences.

What tactics would activate people and stretch them outside their comfort zones. For different groups this might be letter writing, lobbying, and phone banking, or street theater, sit-ins, and civil disobedience.

Classic tactics can be remixed creatively for different group cultures, attitudes, and strengths. For example, our people may not get excited about a “press conference,” but they’d be motivated to attend “Christmas caroling” at city hall to deliver our demands. A “sit-in” at a bank branch might feel daunting, but they may feel more equipped to do a “prayer vigil” in the bank lobby.

We should consider the motivations of our most active base and the people driving our campaign, as well as supporters, allies, and key constituencies who haven’t taken action with us yet. When completing the worksheet below, consider which stakeholders and audience you most need to motivate to join or pay attention to your actions.



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