<aside> 💡 Identify who is part of the campaign story.


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Brainstorm who is, or might be, involved in this campaign. This includes the base of people we’re organizing; people we want to activate; potential partners; etc. We’ll use the specific people, constituencies, and institutions brainstormed here in further planning tools. Identifying stakeholders also helps us evaluate how well we’ve cut our issue.

Use the worksheet below to answer questions like:

🙂 Who’s Impacted & How? - Who among our base or constituency is impacted? Who’s impacted directly? Indirectly? How do we know we/they are impacted? Does the solution help some groups more than others?

🙋🏽Who Already Cares? - Who have we seen already express concern or taken action on this issue?

🤷🏽 Who Might Care? - Who might care if we frame the issue to position them as impacted or a potential hero?

🏆 Solutions - What changes would partially or fully address the issue? How will we know when solutions are achieved? What changes will we need to see for the people impacted?

👏🏽 Who’s Already Working on Solutions? - Who is currently working to solve at least part of this issue? Who helps care for the people harmed by it? Who is advocating for a solution? Who would join us if we proposed a solution? Consider issues connected to this one that other organizations are taking on.



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