<aside> 💡 Campaigns identify “pillars of support” to help focus on key targets and map vulnerabilities of a specific target.


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Strategy is built on an understanding of power, or the ability of different groups to get their interests met. A social view (or bottom-up view) of power sees the status quo as inherently unstable. It rests on the support of many other people and institutions - the “pillars of support” - that make it possible, for example, for government agencies to avoid regulating polluters, or for employers to avoid paying living wages.

If certain “pillars” enabling our target are removed or weakened, it forces them to shift behavior to maintain their power, status, or interests. The pillars of support framework can be used to identify targets on an issue or to map vulnerabilities of a specific target.

The underlying question when identifying pillars of support is: “what specific actions by which people or institutions are necessary for the status quo to continue?”


Identifying Targets - Pillars of Support for the Issue

Identifying Strategy Opportunities - Pillars of Support for the Target

Guiding questions to help us assess campaign targets: