<aside> 💡 Campaigns escalate pressure on our targets over time while also replenishing our organizations’ capacity to mobilize supporters.


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Many have read about big labor union strikes that left hospitals, automotive factories, and schools shut down for days or weeks, making it appear as though those workers quickly went “from zero to 100.” But the stories and TikToks about those actions fail to note the gradual escalation that built up to maximum pressure on their employers.

The most effective campaigns gradually build pressure on our primary targets over time, escalating in intensity in ways that also replenish our organizations’ capacity to mobilize supporters.

Tips for tactic sequencing:

The worksheet below frames our tactic sequence in “Three Acts.” To use this worksheet:

  1. Identify the date ranges for different acts. When will the sequence launch (Act I)? When do we expect a dramatic confrontation to serve our goals (Act III)?
  2. Brainstorm external events that might be in the calendar for our base, allies, potential allies, opponents, and our target. Which events could we plan tactics around or avoid conflicts with?
  3. List tactics for each Act, being mindful for the tips above.
  4. Step back and assess. How does our tactic arc build pressure on our target over time? How does it activate our key audiences and potential supporters? How does it make room for or replenish our groups capacity and energy?



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