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Welcome to the Campaign Strategy Workbook, a resource for campaign organizers from Training for Change’s Organizing Skills Institute. Click here for a quick video walkthrough.

This resource is designed like Wikipedia; different topics have their own pages. You’ll find three types of pages:


About pages orient readers to the content and structure of the workbook. They are listed on the left side of the “Home” page.

📍 User Guide - This page!

Purpose - What’s a campaign? Why this workbook? Who’s this for?

Credits - Who wrote this? Sources & lineage

Feedback & Contact


Workbook topics are listed on the “Home” page. Each topic includes theory, case studies, links to other resources, and a ****worksheet to fill out for your campaign. Each page includes a link to create an editable Google doc compilation with all the worksheets from the workbook.

- Find all workbook topics here


Tools, articles, case studies, and resources outside this workbook.

Other Resources

Request a Strategy Coach - TFC’s Campaign Strategy Fellowship